pCTD Compiler

Submission Comparer

Submission Comparer, a part of eCTD Office, allows to quickly compare two folder (/electronic submission) structures by visually presenting differences in compared sub-folders and documents like: naming, size, MD5 checksum.

Use Submission Comparer to determine changes between two eCTD (/NeeS) sequences, pinpoint missing files, alternations in file size or differences in MD5 checksum between same named documents.

Compare a local folder (eCTD sequence) to its server (or CD) copy.

Filter the compared display to show only the missing documents in the matching structure.

Filter the compared display by documents which have the same name but have a different MD5 checksum.

Easily search for documents by their name.

Quickly hide identical files and folders to see only the true differences.

Check the number of files in every sub-folder.

eCTD Office's Submission Comparer:

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    Included in eCTD Office

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    Important info display

    File name, size, modified date, md5.

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    Intuitive Interface

    Easy-to-use intuitive user interface.

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    Quick Scan

    Scans all subfolders and files under a specified folder.

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    Document info

    Size, modified date, MD5 checksum.

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    Differences in naming

    Compare folder content by file name.

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    Two eCTD Sequences

    Ensure your seqeunce backup copy is the same as original.

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    Md5 Checksum

    Locate differences in same-named documents by their MD5 checksum value.

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    Visual differences

    Filter compared view to locate missing files, size/date different.